
Calan DVS receives funding to deliver Rock Pool training



27th May 2020


Sue Penna

Calan DVS is one of the largest domestic abuse charities in Wales and are committed to working in partnership to end domestic violence and abuse.

They have recently secured funding from The Lighthouse Project and the Moondance Foundation to deliver projects that help individuals and families overcome and mitigate against domestic violence and abuse.

The Lighthouse Project

The Lighthouse Project funded by The National Lottery Community Fund over the next four years, will comprise of two separate specialist programmes meeting the uniquely complex needs of different target groups within the community which has been based upon expert analysis, research, sector expertise and a coproduction model informed by service users. One of these programmes is Rock Pool’s Inspiring Families Programme.

The Inspiring Families Programme

The Inspiring Families Programme – is an innovative and structured ten- week assessment programme that can help strengthen and stabilise families where domestic violence and abuse is a known component but the family are choosing to stay together.

The Inspiring Families Programme was created by Rockpool following Domestic Homicide Reviews revealing that many specialist agencies are poor at identifying and assessing levels of risk and relationship dynamics. With research clearly demonstrating the devastating impact that living with domestic violence and abuse has on family members, a clear need for addressing this issue in a holistic and family centred way exists.

The Inspiring Families Programme was developed to meet a significant gap in addressing DVA in a holistic family centred way. The victim and perpetrator element of the programme was devised by Rockpool Life and Calan DVS developed the CYP element to ensure the voice the child is heard, this supports the family to access an all family trauma informed programme.

Find out more about the Inspiring Families programme here

Moondance Foundation

It is estimated that 133,053 children in Wales have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse1.  These adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have a huge impact on children and young people (CYP), but referral options are limited due to the lack of specialist support available.

As a result of COVID19 and as the easement measures are put in place, we are forward planning for the increased need to support CYP and the welcomed funding from The Moondance Foundation will build our capacity in Ammanford to support us to reach out to more victims and children and young people.

The funding will support the delivery of the following programmes over a 12-month period:

Adult ACEs Recovery Toolkit 

The adults ACE’s RTK is a 10-week programme that has been written to educate and inform individuals about the impact of ACE’s on them and their children. The programme provides guidance on the protective factors that help mitigate the impact of ACE’S and the practical methods for individuals developing the resilience they need for themselves and for their children.


  • For participants to better understand the impact that living with ACE’s has on them and on their children if they have any.
  • For participants to develop strategies for building their resilience and that of children
  • For participants to have increased understanding and implementation of healthy living skills


  • Participants will have the tools to mitigate the impact of ACE’S on themselves and their children if they have any.
  • Participants will have strategies to continue to develop their families resilience
  • Participants will have increased self – esteem
  • Participants will have the knowledge and tools to be able to implement healthy life style choices.

Children and Young People ACEs Recovery Toolkit 

The Children and Young People ACE’s RTK is written as a complement to the Adults ACE’s RTK. where possible, but can stand alone, or run concurrently with the Adult ACE’s RTK. It’s an 8 week programme that uses a combination of creative activities and group working to develop young people‘s resilience and give them the opportunity to experience the healing of relational support.


  • For Children and Young People to build resilience
  • For Children and Young People to have the opportunity to experience the healing of relational support
  • To provide information and education to enable children and young people to cope with the adversity they have experienced.


  • Participants will learn strategies to deal with toxic stress
  • Participants will learn to overcome negative automatic thinking
  • Participants will learn ways of overcoming negative thinking
  • Participants will learn strategies to build resilience and increase self-esteem.

The toolkits can be run simultaneously or as stand alone, for further information please contact our Ammanford Team on: 01269 597474

Find out more about our ACEs programmes here

Rock Pool are proud to have provided training to Calan DVS Facilitators, and to have aided Calan DVS in the incredibly important and life changing work they do.

Calan DVS and Rock Pool put together a Cost Benefit Analysis for The Inspiring Families programme which was piloted for Calan DVS in Neath and Port Talbot in 2018. You can find the Cost Benefit Analysis report here

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